< EOHSI Member Charles Weschler, Ph.D. among presenters and panelists during the National Academies of Science Engineering Medicine (NASEM) virtual workshop | EOHSI

Emerging Science on Indoor Chemistry and Implications: An Information-gathering Workshop

Photo of Charles J Weschler Ph.D.
EOHSI Member Charles Weschler, Ph.D. will present:
“Indoor chemistry: overview of emerging research and discoveries”
April 5, 2021 – 9:40 AM
He will also be among the panelists during the
Panel Discussion to Explore Research Needs and Data Gaps
April 5, 2021 – 4:00 PM
Registration is required to attend.
Please visit the National Academies of Science Engineering Medicine event page to register

For additional information please contact us at
848-445-0200 or info@eohsi.rutgers.edu.

This Seminar Series is sponsored in part by the NIEHS Center for Environmental Exposures and Disease (CEED) at EOHSI.