< EOHSI/CEED Member and Rutgers Professor Reynold Panettieri Featured in Patch.com: Toxin Exposure Possible In Dominican Deaths | EOHSI

EOHSI/CEED Member and Rutgers Professor Reynold Panettieri Featured in Patch.com: Toxin Exposure Possible In Dominican Deaths

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ — A Rutgers toxicology professor and a man who runs a non-profit dedicated to identifying bootleg liquor across the world both spoke to Patch this week on the topic that’s on everyone’s minds: What is causing so many tourist deaths in the Dominican Republic?

Woodbridge Township resident Joseph Allen has now become the ninth American to die under suspicious causes in the Dominican Republic. Allen’s family told the media he felt hot and feverish during his vacation there last week, and he went to lie down in his room. On Thursday morning, he was found dead.

While there are no reports of Allen drinking alcohol, the FBI launched an investigation last week into whether the other American deaths were from drinking tainted or bootleg liquor, reported the New York Post.

“When you have nine people who died, two of whom are a couple, and they are all otherwise healthy, you’ve got to believe this is some kind of toxin exposure,” said Dr. Reynold Panettieri, a pulmonary critical care physician and toxicologist at Rutgers. “Now whether it’s an inhaled toxin, or transmitted topically through the skin or ingested such as in a drink — we just don’t know enough yet.”

(Source: Patch.com- June19,2019)

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