< Our Scientists Cited – Viewpoint: Closing the Exposure Gap | EOHSI



Our Scientists Cited – Viewpoint: Closing the Exposure Gap

Posted at 9:38 am December 12, 2014, in Members in the News, Publications


EOHSI scientists, Paul Lioy and Cliff Weisel, recently published a new text book, Exposure Science: Basic Principles and Applications.

Lioy and Weisel’s book was cited in a recent article by Daniel Vallero of Duke University and US EPA. The article, entitled “Viewpoint: Closing the Exposure Gap” appeared in Environmental Science and Technology in December 2014.

From Vallero’s article:

Paul Lioy and Cliff Weisel have provided some good news with their important new book, Exposure Science: Basic Principles and Applications. The book is dedicated to” the young scientists who may be selecting the study of exposure” or other disciplines within the environmental health sciences as a career path. The dedication could also include those in the engineering and design communities who apply the sciences to mitigate problems and realize effective solutions.

The book is available at Amazon and other online retailers.


Vallero D.A. (2014). Viewpoint: closing the exposure gap. Environ Sci Technol 48(24): 14075-6. DOI:10.1021/es505678p.

Lioy P. and Weisel C. (2014). Exposure Science: Basic Principles and Applications. Amsterdam; Boston, Academic Press/Elsevier


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