< Original Investigation: Elevated Serum Pesticide Levels and Risk for Alzheimer Disease | EOHSI



Original Investigation: Elevated Serum Pesticide Levels and Risk for Alzheimer Disease

Posted at 9:11 pm May 27, 2014, in Members in the News, Publications

The pesticide DDT was banned in the United States in 1972 but is still being used in other countries throughout the world.

An original investigation by EOHSI researchers was featured in Rutgers Today.

Scientists have known for more than 40 years that the synthetic pesticide DDT is harmful to bird habitats and a threat to the environment. Now researchers at Rutgers University say exposure to DDT – banned in the United States since 1972 but still used as a pesticide in other countries – may also increase the risk and severity of Alzheimer’s disease in some people, particularly those over the age of 60. [read the full story at RUTGERS Today]

Citation: Richardson J.R., Roy A., Shalat S.L., von Stein R.T., Hossain M.M., Buckley B., Gearing M., Levey A.I. and German D.C. (2014). Elevated serum pesticide levels and risk for Alzheimer disease. JAMA Neurol 71(3): 284-90. DOI:10.1001/jamaneurol.2013.6030. PMCID:4132934.


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