< What if there’s a chemical attack? Rutgers is on it! | EOHSI



What if there’s a chemical attack? Rutgers is on it!

Posted at 8:57 am December 23, 2016, in EOHSI Events, Members in the News

What if there’s a chemical attack? Rutgers is on it

Research is ongoing at Rutgers about what to do if the unthinkable happens — a terror attack using chemical weapons. The university has a new $19 million grant from the National Institutes of Health to continue ongoing research.

Jeffrey Laskin, chief of Rutgers’ division of toxicology, said that at the heart of the research “there is a concern that we might be subjected to chemical terrorism in this country, and the question becomes, ‘What do we do about it?’”

According to Laskin, chemical weapons for warfare have been used for a very long period of time, in terms of “modern warfare.” Mustard gas was used about 100 years ago, during World War I, then many times since.

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