< Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Highlighted in Upcoming Society of Toxicology Meeting | EOHSI



Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Highlighted in Upcoming Society of Toxicology Meeting

Posted at 2:21 pm December 2, 2015, in University News

aleksunesCongratulations to Lauren Aleksunes and collaborators Stephanie Marco, Laura E. Liang, Ragena Riley, Kimi Nakata, and Debra L. Laskin on this significant achievement.

The abstract, Intensive Research Training Improves Undergraduate Student Scientific Competencies During a 10-Week Summer Fellowship, has been selected to be presented during the platform session Innovations in Toxicology Education on Wednesday Mar 16 2016 2:00 PM – 4:45 PM. The abstract will be included in the SOT online and printed publication, The Toxicologist.

The SURF Program is supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (R25ES020721 and P30ES005022), EOHSI, the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, the Society of Toxicology, the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and the Dean of the School of Pharmacy. For more information please visit our website [https://pharm.rutgers.edu/content/summer_research_fellowship_program]

EOHSI will be duly represented at  SOT 2016 Annual Meeting not only during the presentation of Dr. Aleksunes’s abstract, but also by its distinguished faculty members and students who will present their research posters throughout the event.


Click here for details about the Society of Toxicology 2016 Annual Meeting



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