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Personal and Ambient Exposures to Air Toxics in Camden

Posted at 10:12 am September 3, 2011, in EOHSI Research
Top: Personal exposure monitors on the shoulder straps and the pump in the backpack. Back view (bottom) shows the GeoLogger receiver hanging outside the backpack.

Top: Personal exposure monitors on the shoulder straps and the pump in the backpack. Back view (bottom) shows the GeoLogger receiver hanging outside the backpack.

Personal and Ambient Exposures to Air Toxics in Camden, New Jersey (HEI Research Report 160) by Dr. Paul Lioy and colleagues of EOHSI tested whether an air toxics “hot spot” existed in Camden, NJ.

The research team evaluated ambient and personal exposures of nonsmoking residents to PM2.5, VOCs, aldehydes, and PAHs in two Camden neighborhoods, one of which was hypothesized to be a regional air toxics “hot spot.” The investigators compared concentrations of air pollutants in the two neighborhoods with each other and then with concentrations at other locations in the United States. The study also assessed the effects of seasonality, contributions from mobile sources, and spatial variability.

The full report is available on the Health Effects Institute website.

Citation: Lioy P.J., Fan Z., Zhang J., Georgopoulos P., Wang S.W., Ohman-Strickland P., Wu X., Zhu X., Harrington J., Tang X., Meng Q., Jung K.H., Kwon J., Hernandez M., Bonnano L., Held J., Neal J. and HEI Health Review Committee (2011). Personal and ambient exposures to air toxics in Camden, New Jersey. Boston, MA. Health Effects Institute. Research Report 160.


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