Clinical research and Occupational Medicine

Activated Macrophages and Ozone Toxicity II Study

In this study, we are trying to determine the effect of ozone, a common air pollutant, on the health and function of the human lung.


How can you help?


If you are a healthy, non-smoking adult, between the ages of 18 and 40, with no known respiratory problems, you may be eligible to participate – see the Study Details tab to learn more. You must be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 to participate and you will be required to provide proof of vaccination. If you are interested in volunteering, please click the Contact Form tab above or contact us directly by email or phone (848-445-6086).


Title of the study: Activated Macrophages and Ozone Toxicity II


Principal Investigator: Howard Kipen, MD, MPH


Purpose: To study the lung response to high levels of ozone exposure


Who Participates: 60 non-smoking healthy people, ages 18 to 40, in our nearby communities.


Study Procedures: Participants are screened for eligibility over the phone and then invited to come to the EOHSI clinic to sign the consent form.   After signing the consent form, participants will be given a screening exam. The exam includes a physical exam, blood tests, and breathing tests. Subjects will be asked to provide a sputum sample. If the subject cannot provide a sputum sample, he/she cannot complete the study.


Subjects will be asked to participate in two exposure sessions. In one session, participants will be exposed to filtered outdoor air. In the other session, participants will be exposed to air with ozone. During each exposure session participants will also be asked to ride a stationary bike some of the time. Participants will be asked to return for a follow-up visit either 1, 2, or 3 days after each exposure. During the follow-up visit, another sputum sample will be collected. Breathing tests will be done and blood and breath samples will be collected at each study visit.


Compensation: $450 for completing all parts of the study.


If you are interested in participating in this study:


Please fill out the form below and hit send. We will then contact you to gather the necessary information.

Or for more information you may contact Alicia Legard

Email: | Phone: 848-445-6086

170 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854 – 848-445-0200  Fax: 732-445-0131

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