< NIEHS Virtual Symposia– Compounding Environmental Health Crises: COVID-19 Research Response – January 13 to March 2, 2021 | EOHSI
The first session will feature EOHSI Members Gedi Mainelis, Ph.D. and Brian Buckley, Ph.D. who will also be moderating the session.
REGISTER for this event
Routes of Transmission and Exposure Mitigation  
January 13, 2021 – Noon to 1:30 PM
Brian Buckley, Rutgers University


  • Brian Buckley, Rutgers University: “Fire those photon torpedoes, what’s best for killing CoV-2 with light”
  • Gedi Mainelis, Rutgers University: “From the lungs to aerosol to human contact – a journey of SARS-CoV-2 viral particles
  • Vincent Munster, NIAID: “Experimental delineating of SARS-coV-2 human to human transmission”
  • William Bahnfleth, Penn State University: “Gone with the Wind – HVAC Controls for Airborne SARS-CoV-2 Exposure”
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