< Lioy named as HESI Science Advisor | EOHSI



Lioy named as HESI Science Advisor

Posted at 11:58 am June 10, 2015, in Awards & Achievements

hesi-committeesDr. Paul Lioy was elected as a Science Advisor to the non-profit Health and Environmental Sciences Institute (HESI) and their Emerging Issues Committee at their annual meeting in Washington DC on June 9, 2015.

HESI logoHESI ‘s scientific programs bring together scientists from around the world in academia, industry, regulatory agencies and other governmental institutions, to address and reach consensus on scientific questions that have the potential to be resolved through creative application of intellectual and financial resources. This “tripartite” approach forms the core of every HESI scientific endeavor. As a non-profit organization, HESI provides a unique, objective forum for initiating dialogue among scientists with different perspectives and expertise. Industry sponsors provide primary financial support for HESI programs, but HESI also receives financial and in-kind support from a variety of U.S. and international government agencies.

For more information about HESI, please visit their site.


Environmental and Occupational Health
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170 Frelinghuysen Road
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