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Dr. Georgopoulos is Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice at Rutgers School of Public Health – Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences, with a joint appointment in the Department of Pharmacology, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. He has been serving on the faculty of R. W. Johnson Medical School and on the Graduate Faculties of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and of Environmental Sciences at Rutgers University since 1989. He is a member of the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute (EOHSI) of Rutgers where he directs the State-funded Ozone Research Center and the Informatics and Computational Toxicology Core for the NIEHS Center for Environmental Exposures and Disease (CEED). Dr. Georgopoulos received his M.S. and Ph.D. Degrees in Chemical Engineering from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and his Dipl. Ing. Degree from the National Technical University of Athens. At EOHSI he established and directs the Computational Chemodynamics Laboratory (CCL), a state-of-the-art high performance computing facility for informatics and modeling of complex environmental and biological systems. He also directs the Center for Exposure and Risk Modeling (CERM) at EOHSI and is Co-Director of the Environmental Bioinformatics and Computational Toxicology Center (ebCTC), a research consortium of Rutgers University, Princeton University, and USFDA’s Center for Toxicoinformatics (funded by USEPA 2005-2010). He served as Director of the USDOE-funded Center of Expertise in Exposure Assessment of the Consortium for Risk Evaluation with Stakeholder Participation (CRESP).
Dr. Georgopoulos has participated in both research and teaching in Rutgers graduate programs and has developed innovative course materials in modeling and informatics related to environmental health applications. He has been the primary doctoral thesis advisor to 22 students, with 14 Ph.D. degrees awarded since 1997, and has been mentor to 27 post-doctoral fellows. His research interests involve the development and application of novel mathematical and computational methods for diagnostic and mechanistic studies of multipathway physicochemical processes taking place in interacting environmental and biological systems. The aim of this research is to improve the understanding and quantification of human exposure and biological mechanism-based dosimetry and risk for environmental toxics; this is being accomplished through the ongoing development of a consistent mechanistic multiscale modular computational framework for source-to-dose-to-effect modeling of toxicant dynamics. Outcomes of this research include integrative computational models of toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic processes at the cellular, tissue and whole body levels.
Dr. Georgopoulos has lectured as an invited speaker at universities, including the Harvard School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Stanford University, Illinois Institute of Technology, University of Minnesota, and others. He has published more than 125 peer-reviewed articles and chapters in scientific journals, books and proceedings, and has authored or co-authored several State and Federal Government Documents and numerous technical reports. He has received awards and honors, including the DuPont Education and Research Award, for his work on environmental pollution and health. He has served on editorial boards of scientific journals and currently serves as member of various national and international scientific and technical committees on environmental issues, including US EPA’s Chemical Safety Advisory Committee (CSAC).
Research Interests
Multiscale Simulation of Environmental and Biological Systems and Interactions
Enviroinformatics and the Exposome
Risk Analysis for Environmental and Occupational Health
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