< Biomarker Study on Water Contamination | EOHSI



Biomarker Study on Water Contamination

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Biomarker Study on Water Contamination

The study is being done to learn about the levels of perfluorochemicals in blood due to contaminated drinking water.

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Title: Assessing PFNA Body Burdens following Drinking Water Intervention

Principal Investigator: Clifford Weisel, Professor

Purpose: The study is being done to learn about the levels of perfluorochemicals in blood due to contaminated drinking water.

Who Participates: You may be eligible if you are:

• 20-74 years old
• Lived in Paulsboro, West Deptford or nearby community and had contaminated drinking water

Study Involves:

• Answering a questionnaire and providing blood samples
• Providing tap water and vacuum dust samples
• The blood samples will be collected three times over two years


Compensation: Up to $100 compensation.

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    Email: ResearchStudy@eohsi.rutgers.edu | Phone: 848-445-6049   848-445-6078   848-445-6086



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    Email: info@eohsi.rutgers.edu

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