< Adults with Asthma | EOHSI



Adults with Asthma

Mechanisms of Response to Diesel Exhaust in Subjects with Asthma

Principal Investigator: Howard Kipen, MD, MPH

Purpose: To study the effects of exposure to diesel exhaust on breathing changes in people with asthma.

Who Participates: 10 people, ages 18 to 55, in our nearby communities who have mild to moderate asthma.

Study Procedures: Participants are screened for eligibility over the phone and then asked to come to the EOHSI clinic for a screening exam. The exam includes blood tests, a medical history questionnaire, and breathing tests. Subjects will be asked to participate in two exposure sessions. In one session, participants will be exposed to filtered outdoor air. In the other session, participants will be exposed to air with diesel exhaust particles. During each exposure session participants will also be asked to ride a stationary bike some of the time. Participants will be asked to provide samples of exhaled breath, urine, sputum and blood and be asked to do breathing tests.

Compensation: $250 for completing all parts of the study.

Email: kgblack@eohsi.rutgers.edu | Phone: 848-445-6049


Environmental and Occupational Health
Sciences Institute
170 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: 848-445-0200
Fax: 732-445-0131
Email: info@eohsi.rutgers.edu

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