< EOHSI/NIEHS Seminar – October 14, 2015 – Alison Harrill, Ph.D. | EOHSI



EOHSI/NIEHS Seminar – October 14, 2015 – Alison Harrill, Ph.D.

Posted at 2:32 pm October 1, 2015, in Seminars

EOHSI/NIEHS Seminar Series – Fall 2015


Alison Harrill, Ph.D

Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental and Occupational Health
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences


“Mouse population models: a promising strategy for personalized medicine”


October 14, 2015 – 12:00 PM

Rutgers University – Busch Campus
EOHSI – Conference Room C
170 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway NJ 08854


Regulation of pharmaceutical drugs relies on accurate extrapolation of toxicity data from animal models to humans. However, the rodent models that are typically utilized for safety assessment studies do not accurately capture the wide differences in sensitivity that occur in human populations, in part owing to a lack of genetic diversity in currently used rodent models. Data will be presented demonstrating that toxicity screening using a genetically heterogenous mouse population, called the Diversity Outbred (DO), could have predicted the liver safety risks for pharmaceutical drugs with liver safety signals in clinical trials (frequent drug-induced liver injury) and for rare reactions that only became apparent during wide-spread clinical use (idiosyncratic). A systems toxicology approach to identify safety risk factors and enable mechanistic insights using DO mice will be presented. Such insights may enable personalized prescribing of medicines and pharmacogenetic “rescue” of drugs in development.

Click here to see Dr. Harrill’s CV


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Environmental and Occupational Health
Sciences Institute
170 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: 848-445-0200
Fax: 732-445-0131
Email: info@eohsi.rutgers.edu

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