< EOHSI student Breann Coffaro receives poster award during ISES 2017 Annual Meeting | EOHSI



EOHSI student Breann Coffaro receives poster award during ISES 2017 Annual Meeting

Posted at 4:26 pm November 15, 2017, in Awards & Achievements

Congratulations to Breann on the award received during the International Society of Exposure Science 2017 meeting entitled Integrating Exposure Science Across Diverse Communities.

The event was focused on incorporating technology, epidemiology, and exposure risk assessment into innovative projects such as:

  • Exposure, hazard, and risk assessment
  • Exposure assessment methods, models, and data
  • Personal monitoring, remote sensing, and questionnaires
  • Individuals, communities, and ecosystems
  • External exposures, biomonitoring, and biological response
  • Exposures throughout the life course – children, adults, and the elderly
  • Measuring the Exposome in an imperfect world: strategies, sampling, statistics
  • Exposure assessment, epidemiology, communication


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