< EOHSI Faculty and Students Receive Awards and Honors | EOHSI



EOHSI Faculty and Students Receive Awards and Honors

Posted at 11:34 am May 22, 2014, in Awards & Achievements

Over the years, many EOHSI faculty members have received awards and honors of note. Some examples include:

  • Women in Toxicology Special Interest Group Mentoring Award (2014) awarded to Dr. Debra Laskin by the Society of Toxicology
  • Fellow of the Collegium Ramazzini (2013), awarded to Dr. Mark G. Robson by the Collegium Ramazzini, Italy
  • Michael P. Malone International Leadership Award (2013) awarded to Dr. Mark G. Robson by the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities
  • Jerome Wesolowski Award for Lifetime Achievements in Exposure Science (2013) awarded to Dr. Cliff Weisel by the International Society of Exposure Science
  • Education Award (2011) awarded to Dr. Michael Gallo by the Society of Toxicology
  • Ellen Hardin Walworth Medal for Patriotism (2009) and the National Medal for Conservation (2009) awarded to Dr. Paul Lioy by the Daughters of the American Revolution
  • David Sinclair Award to Dr. Barbara Turpin by the American Association for Aerosol Research

… and many others.

EOHSI graduate students have received their fair share of  and honors as well. Some of these include 2014 Society of Toxicology Leadership Positions for Kristin Bircsak (Graduate Student Representative for Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology Specialty Section and for Mid-Atlantic SOT Regional Chapter); Adele Miller (Graduate Student Representative, Ocular Toxicology Specialty Section); Jamie Moscovitz (Graduate Student Representative, Mechanisms Specialty Section); and Alessandro Venosa (Chair, Graduate Student Leadership Committee).

EOHSI post-doctoral researchers have received numerous awards, including to Christopher Gibson (Society of Toxicology Student Travel Award and Society of Toxicologic Pathology 1st Place Award for Young Investigators); to Muhammad M. Hossain (Society of Toxicology Mechanisms Specialty Section Postdoctoral Travel Award); and to Xia Wen (American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Workshop on Transporters Travel Award).


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