< Dr. Weschler Receives Pettenkofer Award at Indoor Air 2014 | EOHSI



Dr. Weschler Receives Pettenkofer Award at Indoor Air 2014

Posted at 10:32 am July 12, 2014, in Awards & Achievements

weschlerThe International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ) Academy of Fellows presented the 2014 Pettenkofer Award to EOHSI’s Dr. Charles J. Weschler at Indoor Air 2014 in Hong Kong.

Charles Weschler was given the award by the Academy in recognition of his scholarly achievements and contributions advancing knowledge in the indoor air sciences, especially indoor chemistry. The Pettenkofer Award is awarded triennially by the Academy to an individual in recognition of outstanding work in advancing the indoor air sciences. The Pettenkofer Award, which is the Academy’s highest award, honors Prof. Max von Pettenkofer as the founder of modern hygiene with his pioneering work on CO2 and indoor air quality.

[Read about the history of the Pettenkofer Award]

Dr Weschler also recently received second runner-up in the ACS Best Papers 2013 competition for his paper in Environmental Science and Technology entitled “Dermal uptake of organic vapors commonly found in indoor air.”

Citation: Weschler C.J. and Nazaroff W.W. (2014). Dermal uptake of organic vapors commonly found in indoor air. Environ Sci Technol 48(2): 1230-7. DOI:10.1021/es405490a.


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