< EOHSI/NIEHS Seminar Series – April 25, 2019 – Speaker: Muhammad M. Hossain, D.V.M., M.S., Ph.D. | EOHSI

EOHSI/NIEHS Seminar Series - Spring 2019

Assistant Professor, Department of
Environmental Health Sciences
Robert Stempel School of Public Health
and Social Work
Florida International University
View Dr. Hossain’s CV



Pesticide Exposure and Adult Neurogenesis: Role of ER Stress


THURSDAY, April 25, 2019 – 12:00 PM

Rutgers University – Busch Campus

EOHSI – Conference Room C

   170 Frelinghuysen Road

             Piscataway, NJ 08854           

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For additional information please contact us at
848-445-0200 or info@eohsi.rutgers.edu.

This Seminar Series is sponsored in part by the NIEHS Center for Environmental Exposures and Disease (CEED) at EOHSI.

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