< Collaboration Generates Success at Two Joint Institutes | EOHSI



Collaboration Generates Success at Two Joint Institutes

Posted at 11:49 am September 15, 2013, in Members in the News, Research Highlights

Drs. Ken Reuhl and Howard Kipen of EOHSI

The Fall 2013 issue of Robert Wood Johnson Medicine Magazine featured an article about successful collaborations at both EOHSI and our neighbor the Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine (CABM).

From the article: The interdisciplinary expertise of EOHSI ranges from basic and applied research to patient care, but its members share the goal of applying their research to environmental issues and writing and advocating for legislation that makes their findings effective.

[Read the full story here…]


Environmental and Occupational Health
Sciences Institute
170 Frelinghuysen Road
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Email: info@eohsi.rutgers.edu

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