< CEED Community Engagement Core: Cleaner Air Near Schools | EOHSI



CEED Community Engagement Core: Cleaner Air Near Schools

Posted at 2:36 pm August 10, 2018, in Awards & Achievements, News

Robert Laumbach and his team at Rutgers Community Engagement Core worked closely with Elizabeth residents to collect data to convince the city council to divert diesel truck traffic away from their homes and schools

The Rutgers Community Engagement Core is sponsored by the university’s Center for Environmental Exposures and Disease (CEED), which is one of 20 NIEHS-funded Environmental Health Sciences (EHS) Core Centers at universities around the country.

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Watch CEED’s documentary “Countdown to Cleaner Air”

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM2gjytmzeo[/embedyt]

Source: Environmental Factor – Your Online Source for NIEHS News


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