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EOHSI Research

Development of drugs to treat exposure to mustard gas – CounterACT Center of Excellence

Rutgers University and Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Receive $23 Million Grant from NIH to Develop Treatments for Chemical Weapons Attacks The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded a five-year $23.2 million grant to a group of investigators at Rutgers University and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ)-Robert Wood Johnson […]

Posted at 3:49 pm September 13, 2011, in EOHSI Research

Personal and Ambient Exposures to Air Toxics in Camden

Personal and Ambient Exposures to Air Toxics in Camden, New Jersey (HEI Research Report 160) by Dr. Paul Lioy and colleagues of EOHSI tested whether an air toxics “hot spot” existed in Camden, NJ. The research team evaluated ambient and personal exposures of nonsmoking residents to PM2.5, VOCs, aldehydes, and PAHs in two Camden neighborhoods, […]

Posted at 10:12 am September 3, 2011, in EOHSI Research

Exposures to Lead and Other Metals from Artificial Turf Playing Fields

EOHSI faculty member Stuart Shalat and NJ DEP scientist Alan Stern reported on the results of their joint study entitled “An Evaluation of Potential Exposures to Lead and Other Metals as the Result of Aerosolized Particulate Matter from Artificial Turf Playing Fields.” Abstract: In response to numerous community concerns starting in 2008 regarding the safety […]

Posted at 3:09 pm August 15, 2011, in EOHSI Research

Circadian Rhythm in Carcinogenesis and Chemoprevention

Essentially all organisms on the planet have a circadian rhythm, or biological clock, that controls a wide variety of basic physiological and cellular functions that vary in a cyclical pattern throughout the day. Biological processes under circadian control include everything from sleep/wake cycles to DNA repair. At the cellular level, circadian rhythm is controlled by […]

Posted at 3:41 pm July 26, 2011, in EOHSI Research


Environmental and Occupational Health
Sciences Institute
170 Frelinghuysen Road
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