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EOHSI Research

Model of Liver-Intestine Crosstalk for Regulating Bile-Acid Production – Grace Guo, Ph.D.

Liver Disease The liver is one the most vital organs of the body. One of its main jobs is to filter the blood coming from the stomach and intestines, before passing the blood to the rest of the body. The blood coming from the stomach and the intestines contains nutrients and chemical substances absorbed from […]

Posted at 3:36 pm November 16, 2015, in EOHSI Research

Diesel Exhaust Affects Adult Asthma

During travel on busy roadways, air pollutants (gases and particles) from other cars and trucks commonly enter vehicles. Drivers and passengers inhale these pollutants. Studies indicate that breathing these pollutants may have harmful effects on lung and heart health.

Posted at 9:10 am July 31, 2015, in EOHSI Research

EPA Awards New Research Grant – Climate Change, Indoor Ozone, and Vascular Function

Howard Kipen, MD, MPH, Professor of Environmental and Occupational Medicine and Director of Clinical Research and Occupational Medicine at EOHSI, is the principal investigator of an award totaling $999,975 over three years. The project, titled “Climate Change, Indoor Ozone, and Vascular Function,” is being supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Learn more about Dr. […]

Posted at 7:04 pm July 30, 2015, in EOHSI Research

Health Impacts of Breathing Traffic Air Pollution While Commuting

During travel on busy roadways, air pollutants (gases and particles) from other cars and trucks commonly enter vehicles. Drivers and passengers inhale these pollutants. Studies indicate that breathing these pollutants may have harmful effects on lung and heart health.

Posted at 12:07 pm July 16, 2015, in EOHSI Research


Environmental and Occupational Health
Sciences Institute
170 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: 848-445-0200
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Email: info@eohsi.rutgers.edu

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