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EOHSI Research

Dr. Weschler’s Research on Dermal Uptake of Phthalates Featured in Nature’s Current Issue

Dr. Weschler’s Research on Dermal Uptake of Phthalates Featured in Nature’s Current Issue Study participants are exposed to airborne phthalates through the skin.Credit: Lulu Weschler When the First Defence Fails – Elizabeth Svoboda Nature, November 21, 2018 Skin is vulnerable to airborne phthalates. Researchers have long known that these hormone-disrupting compounds are dangerous when ingested. […]

Posted at 8:43 am November 26, 2018, in EOHSI Research, News

Circadian Rhythm PEPH Podcast is now live!

The Partnerships for Environmental Public Health (PEPH) podcast on Circadian Rhythm and Your Health is now live at NIH’s site. In this podcast, Helmut Zarbl, Ph.D., discusses his research on circadian rhythms, and highlights why people who work night shifts and are frequently exposed to nighttime light have increased rates of certain types of cancer. […]

Posted at 11:59 am May 23, 2018, in EOHSI Research

Why “Countdown to Cleaner Air” was made: the research, the facts and the people!


Posted at 10:38 am May 4, 2018, in EOHSI Research

CEED Scientists Sample Air and Natural Resources in Post- Hurricane Maria Puerto Rico

Rutgers Center for Environmental Rapid Response sampling team returns to hotel after a very long day of collecting air, water and other environmental samples from San Juan, Rio Grande, Palmas del Mar and Junquito, Humcao. Pictured left to right, Nirmala (Nimi) Thomas, Brian Buckley, Sam Barreto-Rios, Leonardo (Leo) and Shanaz Alimokhtari.   Nirmala Thomas prepares […]

Posted at 8:39 am January 3, 2018, in EOHSI Research


Environmental and Occupational Health
Sciences Institute
170 Frelinghuysen Road
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Email: info@eohsi.rutgers.edu

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