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Community Outreach

EOHSI/Rutgers Research: Exploring the utility of robots in exposure studies

EOHSI/Rutgers research: Exploring the utility of robots in exposure studies A real-time photo of the inside of the CEF during the robotic painting from the back (left) shows the placement of the drywall, robot, paint, and the THC analyzer sampling inlet. A photo from the front of the CEF (right) shows the placement of the […]

Posted at 8:43 am January 13, 2020, in Community Outreach, News

CROM Grand Rounds Announcement – November 22, 2019 – Speaker: Brian Buckley, Ph.D.

CLINICAL RESEARCH AND OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE GRAND ROUNDS (GRMR30) Provided by Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, and the  Rutgers School of Public Health, Center for Public Health Workforce Development     “Choosing the exposures that matter, what’s hot and what’s not”   EOHSI Piscataway, NJ Conf. Rooms A&B Friday, November 22, […]

Posted at 3:56 pm November 18, 2019, in Community Outreach, News, Research Highlights, Seminars

EOHSI and CEED Member Emily Barrett, Ph.D. featured in Rutgers Today — Stress, Plastic Additives in Late Pregnancy Raise Risk of Premature Birth

EOHSI and CEED Member Emily Barrett, Ph.D. featured in Rutgers Today — Stress, Plastic Additives in Late Pregnancy Raise Risk of Premature Birth Emily Barrett, Ph.D. Women exposed simultaneously to stress and plastic additives late in pregnancy are at increased risk for premature birth, according to a study by Rutgers and other institutions. The study, published […]

Posted at 8:17 am November 15, 2019, in Awards & Achievements, Community Outreach, News

CROM Grand Rounds Announcement – November 15, 2019 – Speaker: Ilise L. Feitshans, JD, ScM, DIR

CLINICAL RESEARCH AND OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE GRAND ROUNDS (GRMR30) Provided by Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, and the  Rutgers School of Public Health, Center for Public Health Workforce Development     “Global Health Impacts of Nanotechnology: Laws Governing Nanomedicine and Nanomaterials”   EOHSI Piscataway, NJ Conf. Rooms A&B Friday, November 15, […]

Posted at 9:11 am November 8, 2019, in Community Outreach, News, Research Highlights, Seminars


Environmental and Occupational Health
Sciences Institute
170 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: 848-445-0200
Fax: 732-445-0131
Email: info@eohsi.rutgers.edu

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170 Frelinghuysen Rd, Floor 1
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: 848-445-0123

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