< Elizabeth’s Mayor Bollwage keynotes at the Public Health and Our Ports: The Road to Clean Air Conference at Rutgers- October 26, 2018 – Newark, NJ | EOHSI



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Elizabeth’s Mayor Bollwage keynotes at the Public Health and Our Ports Conference at Rutgers


Elizabeth is a port city and the fourth largest city in New Jersey. The municipality has a vested interest in maintaining a thriving industry, but that doesn’t mean that its leadership is willing to do so at the cost of risking the health of its residents. Conference organizers welcome Elizabeth’s Mayor Christian Bollwage as the keynote of the Public Health and Our Ports: The Road to Clean Air on Friday, October 26th, 2018. Please join us as we discuss environmental health issues related to the New Jersey ports, focusing on public health impacts of port activities on port-adjacent communities.  The conference will engage a broad range of stakeholders including decision makers and public policy thought leaders, environmental and public health organizations, labor and faith-based organizations, as well as academics. The morning features a guided two hour bus tour of Port communities and the Port.