< Toxicology, Health & Environmental Disease High School Summer Program 2016 | EOHSI



Toxicology, Health & Environmental Disease High School Summer Program 2016

Posted at 12:00 pm October 21, 2015, in Community Outreach, EOHSI Events, Student Programs

The Environmental & Occupational Health Science Institute announces the 2016 Toxicology, Health & Environmental Disease (THED) High School Summer Program. THED is a highly intensive program requiring active involvement of participants. Students will participate in a variety of laboratory activities such as DNA isolation, PCR, cell culture, gel electrophoresis, enzyme activity measurement, and microscope slide staining, in addition to discussions about careers in medicine, pharmacy, toxicology, environmental science, and research. This summer program is open to highly motivated high school students interested in the biomedical and environmental sciences, entering the 10th, 11th or 12th grade in the fall of 2016. Participants must have completed at least one high school biology course.

This non-residential program will be held in two one-week sessions: Session 1 runs from Jul 18-22, 2016 and Session 2 runs from Jul 25 to 29, 2016. The program takes place from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on the Busch Campus at Rutgers University in Piscataway, NJ. Students must be available for the entire one-week period. The non-refundable course fee of $800 covers tuition, instructional manuals, materials, safety equipment, all laboratory supplies and lunch each day. Half the fee will be due within 2 weeks of acceptance into the program and the remainder due on May 15, 2016. Housing and transportation are not provided. Some financial assistance may be available for students that can demonstrate they require needs-based aid.

Parents seeking additional information about the program should contact Dr. Grace Guo at guo@eohsi.rutgers.edu or Dr. Debra Laskin at laskin@eohsi.rutgers.edu.

Please attach the following when completing the application:

1. A student essay of approximately 200 words explaining their interest in biomedical or environmental laboratory research
2. High school transcripts or report cards

This program is competitive and limited to 24 students per session. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Click here to fill out the 2016 application. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and priority will be given to those applications received before April 1, 2016.

Read an article in NIH Environmental Factor about the 2013 THED program.


Environmental and Occupational Health
Sciences Institute
170 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: 848-445-0200
Fax: 732-445-0131
Email: info@eohsi.rutgers.edu

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For Employee Health and
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The Clinical Center for Environmental and Occupational Health
170 Frelinghuysen Rd, Floor 1
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: 848-445-0123

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