< Rutgers Graduate Students Sweep Awards at MidAtlantic Toxicology Meeting | EOHSI



Rutgers Graduate Students Sweep Awards at MidAtlantic Toxicology Meeting

Posted at 10:34 am October 16, 2015, in Student Programs


The MidAtlantic Society of Toxicology (MASOT) meeting was held on Oct 13, 2015 in Edison, NJ.  Four Rutgers Ph.D. students won the top awards at the meeting. Blessy George, PharmD was selected as the 2016 awardee for the Geoffrey Hogan Memorial Award. In addition, the top poster honors were awarded to Kristin Bircsak (1st Place), John Szilagyi (2nd Place) and Jamie Moscovitz (3rd Place) for their outstanding research presentations.


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