< Exposure Science and Epidemiology-NEW | EOHSI

Division of Exposure Science and Epidemiology

Acting Director: Nancy Fiedler, Ph.D.

Scientists in the  Division of Exposure Science and Epidemiology conduct multidisciplinary research to address human health risks associated with complex environmental exposures. The Division was founded in 1986 and was the first academically based program that focused specifically on exposure issues in the context of risk assessment, epidemiology and source to effects modeling. The work undertaken by the faculty is nationally and internationally recognized within the general field of the environmental health and exposure sciences. Further, our affiliation with the Joint Graduate Program in Exposure Science has supported graduate research of the >50 students that have graduated from the program over the past 30+ years.
The Division’s activities continue to focus on the development and application of tools for measuring and mathematical modeling of multi-route, multi-agent exposure to chemical, biological and physical agents in air, water, soil and food to help minimize or prevent human exposures. We accomplish these goals by means of laboratory, and field studies on the dynamics of human contact with toxicants and stochastic and deterministic modeling of individual and population exposure and dose.. Human health effects studies document exposures using innovative biomarkers to predict alterations in human health across the lifespan with special focus on the consequences of prenatal exposures.  The results have been applied to characterize human exposure, health effects, and risk. The Division’s research is supported by grants and contracts obtained from Federal (EPA, NIH, DOD, DOE, FAA etc.), State (NJ and others), foundations, and private companies.
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