< Participants Needed for New EOHSI Study in Newark, New Jersey: Where is the lead in your water coming from? | EOHSI


To identify possible sources of lead in your tap water in Newark and help protect against the risk of lead poisoning

EOHSI in conjunction with the School of Public Health and the Center for Environmental Exposures and Disease, is trying to identify all of the possible sources of lead in your tap water if you live in a residential home in Newark.  We have been collecting and analyzing samples over the past few months to quantify the lead concentrations at different times after you turn on your tap.  By collecting samples at different times, we will try to identify whether the source of lead in your water is inside or outside your house.  We still need participants for this work and are also planning a  more detailed study on sources of lead in the drinking water.
Click here to learn about how to participate in this study.

For more information about the study, please contact:

Brian Buckley

Cathleen Doherty

Sean Stratton

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For additional information please contact us at
848-445-0200 or info@eohsi.rutgers.edu.

This Seminar Series is sponsored in part by the NIEHS Center for Environmental Exposures and Disease (CEED) at EOHSI.

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