< EOHSI/NIEHS Seminar Series – February 28, 2019 – Speaker: Philip Demokritou, Ph.D. | EOHSI

EOHSI/NIEHS Seminar Series - Spring 2019

Center Director and Associate Professor of Aerosol Physics
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Department of Environmental Health
Center for Nanotechnology and Nanotoxicology




From Ambient Ultrafine Particles to Engineer Nanomaterials:  Environmental Health Challenges and Applications


THURSDAY, February 28, 2019 – 12:00 PM

Rutgers University – Busch Campus

EOHSI – Conference Room C

   170 Frelinghuysen Road

             Piscataway, NJ 08854           

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For additional information please contact us at
848-445-0200 or info@eohsi.rutgers.edu.

This Seminar Series is sponsored in part by the NIEHS Center for Environmental Exposures and Disease (CEED) at EOHSI.

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