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Chung “CS”Yang, Ph.D.Distinguished Professor & John L. Colaizzi Endowed Chair in PharmacyRutgers University, Ernest Mario School of PharmacyEOHSI – Toxicology
LilyYoung, Ph.D.Professor and Dean of International ProgramsRutgers University, School of Environmental and Biological SciencesEOHSI – Environmental and Population Health Bio-Sciences
Work Phone:848-445-3081workWork Fax:732-445-0119workfaxWork Email:zhoup@eohsi.rutgers.eduINTERNET
Dr.RenpingZhou, Ph.D.Professor and Associate Dean of ResearchRutgers University, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy; Susan Lehman Cullman Laboratory for Cancer ResearchEOHSI – Toxicology
Work Phone:848-445-7246workWork Fax:732-445-0687workfaxWork Phone:Lab: 848-445-7245workWork Email:rzhou@pharmacy.rutgers.eduINTERNET